…You Need A Boat Seeing the world brings a whole new perspective to the way we view people in places much different from our own. In Venice, I was amazed by the water transportation – water busses, gondolas – mainly for tourists, I think – fishing boats, police boats, yachts, delivery boats, and more… Here we would use trucks, trains, busses, LRT, recreation vehicles, and so on. My eye was also taken with laundry hanging above shops and restaurants, and all the people walking below. I just can not imagine hanging up my laundry across a street in downtown Edmonton!
Final Stretch
Final Stretch Some would compare the final stages of this journey we call life to a race. Making use of that final burst of energy helps us finish well. Too often this last stage is viewed as slowing down and gradually coming to a halt. For me, I’d like to give it everything I’ve got until the race is over.