Natural Color Palettes I’ve been thinking about color palettes, as we plan family photos and what to wear. Perhaps the best color palettes are in nature – mountains, lakes, streams, trees and rocks. But the most beautiful of all – rainbows. If we select this last palette, it really will not matter what anyone wears. That could be a fun family photo!
Out of Tune
Out of Tune Recently I had a piano tuner come by to tune my badly out-of-tune piano. What a difference! Being out of tune is being discordant, disharmonious. Or, it could be defined as a state in which people do not agree with or understand one another. There is a lot of hate and misunderstanding out there, which seems intensified by Covid-19 stress. My hope for each of us is to learn what it means to live in harmony, beginning with those closest to us and moving on to strangers. What a difference! Out of Tune